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MAGIP GIS Mentoring

For Mentees

Networking and partnering with other MAGIP members benefits your career, your employer, and the GIS products and services you create. MAGIP members who seek assistance to solve problems drive this GIS mentoring program. They search for members who can help using the MAGIP web site. They get the conversation started.

Members seeking guidance via the MAGIP GIS Mentoring program, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you are a MAGIP member. 
  2. Log in to the MAGIP web site.
  3. Browse or Search for one or more MAGIP members identified as a mentor:


  a. Navigate to the member directory: Member-Only>Member Directory.

  b. Browse the list of MAGIP members alphabetically looking for a member who has "Yes" displayed in the Mentor column of the Member Directory page.

  c. Explore Member profiles to determine which members you wish to contact.


a. Navigate to the member directory: Member-Only>Member Directory.

b. Click Advanced search...

c. Set the following fields to search for a mentor:

  • "Am I willing to be identified as a mentor" to Yes (half way down the page)
  • If desired, narrow your results by setting one or more Skills checkboxes under Employer Type, Area of Interest, Specialty, ESRI Software, Software, Open Source, RDBMS, Activity, Programming/Development, and Hardware.

    If you need assistance searching for MAGIP members, please review the Member Search Instructions.

d. Explore member profiles to determine which members you wish to contact.


  4. Contact the MAGIP mentor, introduce yourself, ask if s/he is available to assist you.  View the Getting Started page for guidance.

  5. Maintain your MAGIP membership.

Mentoring Resources

Mentoring Code of Ethics

Getting Started

Mentoring Topics


Request access to GoToMeeting (virtual meeting application)

Join.Me (free screen sharing application)

Skype (free video calling and conference calls)

GISCI Mentoring Program

Mentoring Recent GIS Grads: Their Questions (scan entries for topic)

Thoughts on Hiring Recent Grads with GIS Coursework (scan entries for topic)

Competencies: Ideal Student Outcomes from an Intro to GIS or Remote Sensing Course

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