MAGIP Board ElectionsMAGIP elections are held annually in the spring. The primary purpose for elections is to elect incoming members of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may bring additional initiatives (e.g. revisions to the MAGIP Bylaws or Constitution) to the membership for a vote during annual elections. Annually, Nominations open for Board Positions in April so that Elections can be finalized prior to the June Board of Directors Annual meeting. You must be a member of MAGIP to vote in the elections. Please visit the MAGIP Membership page if you would like to join. 2025 MAGIP ElectionsElection Schedule | Open Positions The 2025 MAGIP Board of Directors Call for Nominations are open March 10 - April 21, 2025. Nominations close April 21, 2025 at 5pm. The Election will be held April 28 - May 12, 2025. If your MAGIP membership is up to date, you should receive your e-mail ballot on April 28, 2025. The ballot is sent using Wild Apricot (the email may appear to be sent from and is unique to each MAGIP Member. If you are a MAGIP Member and you do not receive a ballot, please check your spam and junk folders, and then contact MAGIP to have one sent to you. ELECTION Schedule
Open Board PositionsPresident - Elected to two (2) year term (President, Past President): This is a special election since the MAGIP Board appointed a Vice President to the Vacant Position following the 2024 Election.
Vice President - Elected to three (3) year term (Vice President, President, Past President)
Treasurer - Elected to two (2) year term
Secretary - Elected to two (2) year term
Technical Committee Chair - Elected to two (2) year term
Scholarships & Grants Committee Chair - Elected to two (2) year term
Note: All Elected Members of the Board must be MAGIP members in good standing for their entire period of membership. Meetings of the Board shall be held at times and places specified by the Board, but there should be no less than four (4) board meetings per year. Board members must attend at least one (1) board meeting in person. Presently, the Board meets in person quarterly from 10am -2pm. Additionally, they hold one (1) hour check in meetings during months when they do not meet in person. Currently, these occur on the third Tuesday of each month from 2-3pm. View position descriptions in the MAGIP Board and Committee Chair Responsibilities Document (PDF) and Board Terms in the MAGIP Board Organization Chart (PDF). For more information visit the MAGIP Board Meeting page. Constitution & Bylaw Amendments to be Voted on by the MembershipNone at this time For more information, please contact Mike Powell, Past President and Election Committee Chair. | LinksPast Elections |