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Enabling time on a layer file using Python

  • 03/28/2013 10:21 AM
    Message # 1253792
    Does anyone know if you can enable time on a layer with a script in Python. From what I can tell, this is still not available in 10.1 but I want to verify. 10.1 does enable you to enable time on a new data frame, if a time enabled layer has been added, but I have not figured out how to enable time on the actual layer file.

    Thanks in advance if anyone can shed some light on this issue.
  • 03/29/2013 8:05 AM
    Reply # 1254477 on 1253792
    Hi Tara, if you haven't already, check in with Greg Pederson.  I know he was working directly with ESRI on the time-enabled layer feature as it related to his paleoclimate work.  He might have some insight.  I think the feature is so new that only a few folks have jumped into it yet, and he's the first that comes to mind.  Good luck!
  • 03/29/2013 1:02 PM
    Reply # 1254652 on 1253792
    Thanks for the response Bryan. I'm afraid I was actually the person who did most of the time enabled GIS work for Greg. It is super easy to do manually, the problem is that I need to animate over 4,000 maps. Therefore, I would like to animate it. I am just finding it very strange that you can enable time on the dataframe with code, but you can't enable time on the actual layer file. I do have a request in with ESRI as well so hopefully we will get this figured out. Thank you though!
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