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Data Driven Pages

  • 01/09/2012 1:15 PM
    Message # 790708

        Good Afternoon GISers!

        I am writing to see if any of you have used Data Driven Pages to break up section maps. If so, how did you label the pages?

    Have a Wonderful Week!


  • 01/09/2012 4:44 PM
    Reply # 790842 on 790708

    I just listened to the Esri Data Driven pages free training webinar.  And then I promptly updated our City of Helena atlas using Data Driven pages.  It was VERY easy to do.

    I can see how making section maps using DD pages would be a breeze as well.  I would probably use the dynamic text input and label based on Township, Range, Section.

    Using the Section polygons (PLSS) as your index layer.

    I started something similar to that using the old DS Mapbook - create a section by section mapbook.  This was back when we were looking at doing some of the parcel editing work.


  • 01/10/2012 8:27 AM
    Reply # 791324 on 790708
    Eric is correct.  When you set up the DDPs using the DDP toolbar, the NAME FIELD can be set to the attribute you want to use as a label for each map page.  Then, you can insert a dynamic text box using the PAGE TEXT button.

    Also, I found it extremely useful to add a sorting field to the attribute table of my index layer.  If you set it as the SORT FIELD in the DDP set up dialog, you can then step through all of the maps in logical order.  Even better, it is possible to create a Python script that will generate an entire mapbook for you with just one click!  Let me know if you would like some details.
    Last modified: 01/10/2012 8:33 AM | Bryan Swindell
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