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Associate Membership

  • 03/13/2012 12:24 PM
    Message # 857632
    The Membership Subcommittee would like to propose the following options for associate membership to the Board of Directors.  These options are meant to cover small to large organization based on their membership needs, each include a special directory listing for the organization and a range of full individual memberships:

    Cost of Membership

    (number of individuals)

    $150 (2-5)

    $300 (6-10)

    $450 (11-15)

    $600 (16-20)

    $750 (21-25)

    Last modified: 03/13/2012 12:30 PM | Anonymous
  • 03/14/2012 8:41 AM
    Reply # 858664 on 857632
    Miles Wacker wrote:The Membership Subcommittee would like to propose the following options for associate membership to the Board of Directors.  These options are meant to cover small to large organization based on their membership needs, each include a special directory listing for the organization and a range of full individual memberships:

    Cost of Membership

    (number of individuals)

    $150 (2-5)

    $300 (6-10)

    $450 (11-15)

    $600 (16-20)

    $750 (21-25)

    Hi Miles,

    Does any Associate Membership configuration cause MAGIP to loose money? If yes, what is the (non-monetary) benefit to MAGIP from offering these memberships?


  • 03/14/2012 2:43 PM
    Reply # 858935 on 857632
    Here is a breakdown of the costs of individual vs. associate membership: 

    Cost of Membership

    (number of individuals)

    Additional Income Range for MAGIP

    Cost Range of Individual Membership

    $150 (2-5)



    $300 (6-10)



    $450 (11-15)



    $600 (16-20)



    $750 (21-25)



    The idea behind ranges is that a given organization would pay a little extra for bulk membership and receive a special directory listing.  If they maxed out the members it would be a wash for MAGIP, but if not we would receive the extra income and benefit of additional membership. 
  • 03/15/2012 8:22 AM
    Reply # 859709 on 857632

    Looks good Miles. Looks like a great option!


  • 03/15/2012 3:09 PM
    Reply # 860067 on 857632
    I think this looks great....and should be a good value to those members.  Thank you to the Membership Subcommittee for all their work on this!
  • 03/16/2012 8:45 AM
    Reply # 860711 on 857632

    Miles - I saw the question from someone asking how membership tracking will be handled under this model.  Will someone from the organization supply a list of names that can be bulk loaded?  I wondered what happens when an individual from an organization registers for a MAGIP event?

    The idea is great.  Just wanted to make sure we had thought about all of the issues related to administering this.


  • 03/20/2012 2:43 PM
    Reply # 864358 on 857632

    Our subcommittee is still working out the details of exactly how to implement the special directory on our website.  Erin Fashoway has taken the lead on that, of course we are open for input.  I envision there being an entire page dedicated to the organization where they could plug their projects, products, etc.  (essentially a full page ad).  The other benefit would be the organization can more easily manage and sign up employees, this has been a big concern in State Gov't, many agency have policies in place prohibiting them from paying for individual professional membership, yet they would be fine paying for the organization to be a member.

    Currently users are listed in our member directory as associate members, this should allow them to function as a full member on our website and sign up for events with member benefits.


    Last modified: 03/20/2012 2:44 PM | Anonymous
  • 03/22/2012 5:01 PM
    Reply # 866283 on 857632

    I make a motion to adopt the Associate Member policy as proposed.

  • 03/22/2012 5:03 PM
    Reply # 866285 on 857632

    I second the motion to adopt the Membership Subcommittee options for associate membership.

    Eric Spangenberg

    Last modified: 03/22/2012 5:04 PM | Eric F. Spangenberg
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