Montana Library Legislative Day is right around the corner! Although the specific date has not yet been confirmed, it will be sometime early to mid-January 2015. MAGIP has provided great support for the event in the past through a generous donation. We would also greatly appreciate MAGIP member support at the event. I can provide you with the details once a date has been set.
In addition to covering costs of food, beverages and mailings, the Montana Library Association needs funds to support our very popular Legislative READ posters. Costs rise each year, and MLA just can’t do it without outside donations.
A copy of the READ posters (photos of our legislators with their favorite book), are given to each legislator who participates. If funding allows, we also create posters for the library falling within a district of a legislator.
It has been a HUGE draw each year and provides the opportunity for YOU to engage with your legislators. We’ve had upwards of 90 plus legislators in attendance.
Last time MAGIP provided $400. Would we like to again provide monetary support and how much should we provide?