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2010 Intermountain Conference

  • 01/07/2010 11:38 AM
    Message # 265089

    We are just about 3 months away from the MAGIP 2010 Intermountain Conference!  Plan on attending to learn about what's new in the GIS realm!

  • 02/08/2010 12:55 PM
    Reply # 288138 on 265089

    All I would like to know if there's an agenda? If not, when will it be posted? 

  • 02/09/2010 11:20 AM
    Reply # 288641 on 288138
    Diane Papineau
    Kenneth Bixby wrote:

    All I would like to know if there's an agenda? If not, when will it be posted? 

    Hi Ken,

    The draft agenda is available currently on the MAGIP website (see link below). It is a high level view of conference plans. The draft detailed schedule should be available after the next conference commitee meeting on the 17th. Even once this is posted, it still remains draft and may be edited up to the time of the conference.

    Diane Papineau, Conference Track Chair

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