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2016 MAGIP Fall Conference

November 15 - 16, 2016 ~ DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel ~ Billings, Montana

Coinciding with Geography Awareness Week and GIS Day, this event hosted by MAGIP features one day of hands-on workshops followed by a dinner GIS meetup event, and concluding with a day of presentations and a live unmanned aerial vehicle flight demonstration.

Conference Sponsorship
Interested in sponsoring this conference? Options include dinner and break sponsorship, and exhibitor space. View the Prospectus or Register Online    


Registration is Closed



Tuesday, November 15 - Workshops

Tuesday Evening Social Event: 

Western Heritage Center

Wednesday, November 16 - Presentations

Download Schedule (pdf)

Conference Registration Pricing

For MAGIP Members

  • $50 for 1/2 Day Workshop
  • $100 for Full Day Workshop
  • $50 for Conference Registration                

For Non-Members (Not a member? Join MAGIP and save!)

  • $100 for 1/2 Day Workshop
  • $200 for Full Day Workshop
  • $75 for Conference Registration

For MAGIP Student Members (Not a member? Join MAGIP and save!)

  • $10 for 1/2 Day Workshop
  • $25 for Full Day Workshop
  • $10 for Conference Registration   

Continuing Education Credits are Available (pdf)

Cancellation Policy: 
NO cancellations will be accepted after October 15, 2016

Call for Presentations

MAGIP invites you to submit your:
  • Papers
  • Electronic Demonstrations
  • Panel Discussions

The submission deadline was October 15, 2016

You will receive a notification of acceptance on or before October 21, 2016
Upon acceptance, presenters will be expected to register for the conference.

Conference Info

Location            Sponsors      Workshops                 Social Event  
Hotel Info
      Agenda Presentations                                  

Thank you to the Conference Sponsors!

Break Sponsors




Conference Location
The 2016 conference will be at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel (Formerly the Crowne Plaza Hotel) 

Address: 27 North 27th Street, Billings, MT 59101  Driving Directions

Attendees of the conference may park in the Park Two Garage across the street from the hotel

Hotel Reservations
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, 27 N. 27th Street, Billings, Montana  59101
Phone: (406) 252-7400 or for more information visit their web site

Reservations can be made with the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel with the Group Code: GEO
Or, book directly through the hotel web site 
For government employees: Select Government/Miltary Rate under the 'Add Special Rate' codes

A limited block of rooms will be held until 10/15/2016 at the rates of $89 and $109  

Additional Hotel Options
View a google map of hotels near the DoubleTree Hotel      

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Tuesday, November 15 - Workshops

 Time  Title Instructor
 8 am - 12 pm  Intro to ArcGIS Online / Collector  Jackson Beighle, Frontier Precision
 8 am - 12 pm  Enabling Drone Technology and UAS  Chase Fly, Frontier Precision
 8 am - 12 pm  ArcPy Mapping: Map Books & Reports   Dave Highness, Async GIS, Inc.

  10 am - 10:30 am


              Sponsored By:


 12 pm - 1:30 pm  Lunch (On Your Own)  
 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm  Advanced ArcGIS Online / Collector
 Beighle / Fly, Frontier Precision
 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm  Intro to Google Earth Engine  Chris Moran, University of Montana
 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm  ArcPy Mapping: Map Books & Reports   Dave Highness, Async GIS, Inc.
 3 pm - 3:30 pm     

              Sponsored By:

 6 pm - 9 pm   
Evening Social Event 

at the
Western Heritage Center


Wednesday, November 16 - Presentations 
Time Skybridge 4 Skybridge 1

8:00 - 9:00
ArcGIS Solutions
Shane Clark (Esri)

Available for Networking
9:00 - 10:00  
What's on the Horizon
Shane Clark (Esri)

Available for Networking
10:00 - 10:30


(2nd Floor Lobby)

Sponsored By:


10:30 - 11:15   

GIS Data for Next Generation 9-1-1
Michael Fashoway (MSL)

Rendering a topo map using OpenStreetMap and Vector Tiles
Jesse Crocker (Gaia GPS)
11:20 - 12:00
Leveraging ArcGIS Online to Prepare for NextGen 911
Ken Wall (Geodata Services, Inc.)

Stitching the pieces together: GIS, BIM, and UAS Technology
Michael Krueger / Barry Moyes (HDR Engineering)
12:00 - 1:30  Lunch (On Your Own)  

1:30 - 1:55     

Identifying Errors in Roads/Addresses to Improve Geocoding
Janelle Luppen (Yellowstone County)

UAV DEMO @ Phipps Park
(Frontier Precision)

2:00 - 2:25
Collector for ArcGIS - what we collect
Brian Andersen / Corey Richardson (MDT)
Available for Networking
2:30 - 3:00
Applying Geospatial Technologies to Mine Reclamation
Curtis DeVault (Pioneer Technical Services)

Available for Networking

3:00 - 3:30


(2nd Floor Lobby)

Sponsored By:  

3:30 - 3:55 

MSDI Boundary & CadNSDI Update
Meghan Burns / Maya Daurio (MSL)

Available for Networking
4:00 - 5:00
What you Need to Know About Map Projections
Gerry Daumiller (MSL)

Available for Networking

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Social Event & Meetup

Tuesday, November 15 from 6 - 9 PM
Join MAGIP at the Western Heritage Center
2822 Montana Ave, Billings, Montana (map)

All are invited! Food and Drinks will be provided!

Additional Billings GIS Meetup Info


Workshop Descriptions

Enabling Drone Technology and UAS for the GIS Professional

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 15, 8 AM - 12 PM
Format: TBD
Instructor: Chase Fly, Frontier Precision

The emerging technology of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) is enabling GIS professionals to acquire high quality aerial data of project sites in a timely fashion.  The availability of lower cost drones and more user friendly software is making it easier to deploy the technology and take advantage of the benefits.  Attend this workshop and learn more about the UAS industry, corresponding FAA regulations, and the Esri Drone2Map software for creating 2D and 3D data in the ArcGIS environment.  See firsthand the Trimble UX5 drone and related software and learn how data from UAS is used in common applications like volumetrics. 

Intro to Preparing and Collecting Data Using ArcGIS Online and Collector for ArcGIS

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 15, 8 AM - Noon
Format: Hands-on lab; Tablets will be provided
Instructor: Jackson Beighle, Frontier Precision

Description: Configure Esri online software to enable anyone in your organization to easily collect and update data from their smartphone or tablet. Using Collector for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online can enable you to maintain up-to-date GIS data while increasing the productivity. This half-day, hands on training will show you how to configure your database, map, feature service and web maps to provide ensure seamless data collection and update in the field.

1. Introductions

2. Database publishing for ArcGIS Online: work with an existing database to bring in data for use in ArcGIS Online

3. Publishing feature services to ArcGIS Online: Publish feature service to ArcGIS Online and configure for online and offline editing

4. Configuring web maps in ArcGIS Online: Adding data to web map, selecting default basemap, configuring

5. Setting permissions for your content: Discuss sharing options and groups and share the web map

6. Collecting data with Esri Collector: Field exercise

7. Where to go next? Demo ArcGIS Online web apps and hands on exercise to build an app if time allows

8. Wrap up


Advanced - Preparing and Collecting Data Using ArcGIS Online and Collector for ArcGIS

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 15, 1:30 PM - 5 PM
Format: Hands-on lab; Tablets will be provided 
Instructor: Jackson Feighle and Chase Fly, Frontier Precision

Description: Configure Esri online software to enable anyone in your organization to easily collect and update data from their smartphone or tablet. Using Collector for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online can enable you to maintain up-to-date GIS data while increasing the productivity. This half-day, hands on training will show you how to configure your database, map, feature service and web maps to provide ensure seamless data collection and update in the field.

1. Introductions

2. Database configuration for ArcGIS Online: work with an existing database to bring in data, modify domains and fields, and enable attachments

3. Publishing feature services to ArcGIS Online: 

- Configure symbology, map document properties and feature properties in an .mxd to prepare for ArcGIS Online

- Publish feature service to ArcGIS Online and configure for online and offline editing, including time enablement of data

4. Configuring web maps in ArcGIS Online: Adding data to web map, selecting default basemap, configuring layer properties including symbology and pop-ups

5. Setting permissions for your content: Discuss sharing options and groups and share the web map

6. Collecting data with Esri Collector: Field exercise

7. Synchronizing ArcGIS Online data back to your local Database: Exact procedures for completing a sync of your Online data to your local Database

8. WebApp configuration for analyzing and sharing your data throughout your organization

- Configure a WebApp for performing basic analysis and charting of data

- Sharing your WebApp insdie and outside your organization

9. Wrap up 

Introduction to Google Earth Engine

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 15, 1:30 PM - 5 PM
Format: Hands-on / Bring your own laptop
Instructor: Chris Moran, University of Montana

Description: Google Earth Engine (GEE) is touted as the ‘most advanced cloud-based geospatial processing platform in the world’.  This workshop will provide an overview of GEE capabilities along with a hands-on tutorial taking you through a complete workflow. Users will learn how to select, process and analyze, visualize, and finally export datasets within GEE.

ArcPy Mapping: Upgrade your Map Books and Reports

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 15, 8:00 PM - 5 PM (Full Day Workshop)
Format: Hands-on 
Instructor: Dave Highness, Async GIS, Inc.

Description: In this workshop we will explore the capabilities of the ArcPy Mapping library with special emphasis on it's capabilities for creating map books, multi-page PDF reports and the like. In the first half of the class we will look at the classes and methods available in the library. In the second half of the class we will dive into several examples using ArcPy Mapping to build map books and reports. As part of the examples we will look at generating report graphs using the Matplotlib Python graphing library. It is assumed that all workshop attendees will have some familiarity with Python and ArcPy.

Dave Highness, GISP is the President of Async GIS, Inc. in Helena Montana. Dave has an MA in Geography from the University of Montana and over 20 years of experience as a GIS Programmer/Analyst. In the past he and has worked for the State of Montana, Tetra Tech, Inc. and Carroll College. Dave currently works for clients in Montana and around the country.


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If you are interested in participating on the planning committee or for questions regarding the conference email the Tech Committee

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