2012 MAGIP Fall Technical Session
& Montana Government IT Conference
Online Registration Closed
On site registration available, or register with Penne Beto of Montana ITSD at pbeto@mt.gov or at 406-444-0707
December 3-7, 2012
Red Lion Colonial Inn, Helena
Late Registration (On Site Only): $125 MAGIP Members $150 non-MAGIP Members
Registration closes 12/4/12
* Cost includes registration for BOTH Fall Tech Session AND Montana Government IT Conference
* Room rates, rate codes, and Red Lion contact and reservation info will be distributed soon.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops with R (http://cran.r-project.org) and Google Earth (http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html) installed. Several add-on R libraries (rgdal, raster and plotKML) will be needed, but can be installed during the session. Sample data required for hands-on analysis.
Click for data download package!
Click to view the official 2012 Fall Technical Session Abstract
Important Announcement:
Attendees interested in the following Hands On Training Opportunities - Please Register!
Contact Chris Stump (cstump@mt.gov) (444-0142) or Miles Wacker (mwacker@mt.gov) (444-0414)