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2012 MAGIP Fall Technical Session
& Montana Government IT Conference

Online Registration Closed

On site registration available, or register with Penne Beto of Montana ITSD at or at 406-444-0707

December 3-7, 2012
Red Lion Colonial Inn, Helena

Late Registration (On Site Only): $125 MAGIP Members $150 non-MAGIP Members
Registration closes 12/4/12

* Cost includes registration for BOTH Fall Tech Session AND Montana Government IT Conference

* Room rates, rate codes, and Red Lion contact and reservation info will be distributed soon.


Important Announcement:
Open Source Data Analysis & Mapping with R and Google Earth:

Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops with R ( and Google Earth ( installed.  Several add-on R libraries (rgdal, raster and plotKML) will be needed, but can be installed during the session.  Sample data required for hands-on analysis.

Click for data download package

Click to view the official 2012 Fall Technical Session Abstract

Important Announcement:
Attendees interested in the following
Hands On Training Opportunities - Please Register!
Contact Chris Stump ( (444-0142) or Miles Wacker ( (444-0414)

  1. Van Shelhamer’s ‘Notification to Landowners Regarding Road Closures and Land Effected During Irrigation Canal Repair,
  2. John Hogland’s ‘Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) Raster Utility
  3. Miles Wacker’s ‘Open Source GIS
  4. Dave Highness’s 'Arcpy Essentials Workshop' (ALL DAY - 8:30 am – 5:00 pm on Monday, December 3rd)

MAGIP Fall Tech Session:    
December 3-4
Click to view current agenda

Click to view current abstracts

Montana IT Conference:
December 4-7

The annual Montana Government IT Conference is an opportunity for state and industry professionals to share new technologies and applications, best practices, and plans for Montana’s IT landscape.

Event Highlights:

  • MAGIP Fall Tech Session:  December 3rd – 4th with Montana IT Conference:  December 4th – 7th, at the Red Lion Colonial, Helena, MT

  • Staffed ESRI Hands-On Learning Lab all day December 3rd – 4th.

  • Incredible value for attendees:  $100 registration for MAGIP members, $125 for non-MAGIP members, which includes registration to both the Fall Tech Session and MT IT Conference!

  • Presentations and hands-on workshops from MT-area based GIS and IT professionals focused on Mobile GIS, Enterprise GIS & SDE Architecture, Spatial Analysis, Data & Database Management, Workflow scripting & automation, Community GIS, Cloud Computing, Web Mapping Services, Open Source GIS, and many more….

  • ESRI Developer’s Meet Up Fall Tech Session Social Night on Monday evening – it’s all free!

  • Vendor Walk-through displays all day Tuesday, and Ice Breaker Social Tuesday evening from 4pm to 6:30, hosted by MT IT Conference.

  • Focused GIS Tract at MT IT Conference.

Interested in Presenting?
  • Receive participation points toward your GISP certification
  • Share your GIS-centric ideas, concepts, workflows, map services, maps, applications, analyses or other related content

  • Contact Chris Stump, Technical Committee Chair or email the Technical Committee:

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