Instructor: Eric Pimpler, Geospatial Training Services
Requirements: Students will need a computer with ArcGIS Pro installed (most recent version if possible) along with a valid ArcGIS Pro login.
Workshop Description:
This 1 day workshop will cover a variety of advanced ArcGIS Pro topics including creating map books using map series functionality, advanced symbology, and advanced labeling.
The creating map books using map series functionality module will introduce you to the two types of map series that can be created in ArcGIS Pro: spatial map series and bookmark map series. Map series functionality has been greatly simplified in ArcGIS Pro, and you’ll learn the workflow for creating both types of map series. You’ll learn how to create a variety of spatial map series including grid, strip, and irregular. You’ll also learn how to configure your map series for optimal output and discover how to print and export the map series.
The advanced symbology module will introduce you to a variety of ways that vector layers can be symbolizing in ArcGIS Pro including unique value, graduated color, graduated symbol, and more. You’ll also learn a variety of new ArcGIS Pro advanced visualization techniques including setting display filters, scale-based symbol classes, and varying symbology by transparency and outline width.
In the labeling module you’ll learn basic and advanced techniques for labeling vector feature classes using the ArcGIS Pro Maplex Labeling Engine. In the first half of the module you’ll learn basic labeling tasks including how to apply label symbols and define label properties as well as place labels relative to features. You’ll also learn how to control label visibility with scale ranges. In the second half of the module you’ll learn how to define dynamic label expressions using the Arcade programming language, limit feature labeling with SQL clauses, and use advanced Maplex functionality to control label position, fitting strategy, and conflict resolution.
About the Instructor:
Eric Pimpler is the founder and owner of GeoSpatial Training Services ( and has over 25 years experience as an application developer, data scientist, and trainer using ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Pro. Eric is currently focused on data science applications with Python, R, and GIS.
Eric has a Bachelor’s degree in Geography from Texas A&M University and a Master's of Applied Geography degree with a concentration in GIS from Texas State University.
Instructors: Kara Utter, Geospatial Training Services
Students will need a computer with a browser (Chrome is preferred) along with a valid AGOL login.
Workshop Description:
This half-day course focuses on Experience Builder, highlighting how it is different from Web AppBuilder and detailing its advanced capabilities. You will explore the extensive list of well-refined templates that can be used out-of-the-box or reshaped and customized to fit the needs of your project. The course will dive into style and content settings for dynamic widgets, how to build an Experience from a template or a blank canvas and how to add widget actions and triggers to create an even more dynamic application for your target audience. You will learn how to optimize your Experience for mobile screen viewing so that users can access your application from a single, intelligent URL. Finally, you will learn a few tips for managing your Experiences and templates.
Course exercises will give you the hands-on experience you need to get familiar with the layout, customization capabilities and functionality that will have you quickly building your own Experiences beyond the classroom.
About the Instructor:
Kara Utter is the GIS Analyst for Valley County in Idaho and owner of an independent consulting business, Dynamic Vision Mapping Services. Kara also teaches and writes course content for Geospatial Training Services. She has worked as a consultant on a variety of projects related to archaeology, health, fisheries, timber, ecology and fire with a strong focus on presenting results through online maps and hybrid web applications. Collaborative efforts for her project work have included working with a diverse set of departments and agencies, including private to state and federal agencies and international companies.
In addition to working as a GIS Analyst, Database Manager or Cartographer within the contracting world, she has been an active member of the GIS community through participation on multiple boards and committees. These experiences range from leading sub-committees for URISA International, helping to plan conferences as Treasurer for Northern Rockies-URISA or reaching out to students and young GIS professionals through her position on URISA's Vanguard Cabinet of Young Professionals.
Kara has a Bachelor's of Science degree with an emphasis on Marine Science from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and a Master's of Environmental Science degree with a concentration on Geospatial Analysis from the University of Colorado-Denver.
Please join us for a hands-on workshop, Introduction to Esri's ArcGIS Pro. We will explore ArcGIS pro highlighting and working with Pro user interface, context sensitive ribbons as well as show and discuss how Pro can be used to support the geographic work in your organization. Please bring your ArcGIS online organization login and laptop. And if possible, please have ArcGIS Pro Installed, if you are unable to bring a license or need a license Esri can provide you with a Pro license for use during the workshop.
Course exercises will give you the hands-on experience you need to get familiar with the layout, customization capabilities and functionality that will have you quickly building your own Experiences beyond the classroom.
About the Instructor:
TJ Abbenhaus is a solution engineer for the local government team in the Esri Olympia regional office. TJ began his GIS career in local government working for both county and state government jobs.
Author forms for field data collection with ArcGIS Survey123 to create, share, and analyze surveys on the Web. Learn design best practices and how to deploy your surveys to a mobile device. In this session we explore a handful of topics to help you get the best out of the Survey123 field app, including: Configuring Surveys, Working with the Inbox to support asset inspections, configuring and linking maps for offline use and connecting the app to external GNSS receivers.
About the Instructor:
Chris Marsh is a Solution Engineer with Esri working out of the Olympia Regional office on the State Government team. Chris works with state agencies by assisting users with technical advice, architecture design, application development and general best practices. Chris main focus is on “Web GIS” all the way from data design/architecture, system design/architecture, to web and mobile development and everything in between. Chris has been with Esri since 2019 after spending 18 years in State Government, most recently as the GIS Coordinator for Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Laptops will be required. Esri accounts will be provided.
Workshop Description:
This workshop is designed for people who want an introduction to the basic concepts of ArcGIS Online. The workshop provides an overview of what users can do in ArcGIS Online such as quickly turning data into valuable information by creating intelligent interactive web maps and sharing them privately or publicly. ArcGIS Online provides a platform that enables users to make spatial data available through an interactive web map, a web app, story map and a mobile app without the need for programming. This means it is accessible to users any time on any operating system. You will learn some of the uses of ArcGIS Online including: using an interactive map, creating an interactive map, adding your own data, configuring the map display and creating an app. By the end of this workshop you will be able to create your own interactive map and app and share it with others.
About the Instructors:
Brian Klapstein is a Geospatial Analyst for the Montana Department of Transportation. His main duties include ArcGIS Online administration and project manager for the annual Fuel Tax/Field Inventory programs. Prior to this position he was a GIS Analyst for the petroleum industry in Alaska where he worked on oil & gas-related permits, seismic surveys and emergency response. He has a BS in Cartography from the University of Idaho.
Mike Eidum is a Geospatial Analyst for the Montana Department of Transportation. His main duties include SDE database administration, static map creation, and custom map project manager. Prior to this position, Mike was an intern at Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization where he worked in transportation GIS. Mike received his undergraduate degree from the University of Montana with a GIS Certificate and a focus in Community and Environmental Planning.
Using ArcGIS Online and Esri ArcGIS Field
Maps to Capture GIS Data
Instructor: Mel Philbrook and Kyle Engel
We encourage you to bring your own smart device with the Esri ArcGIS Field Maps app installed.
Workshop Description:
This intro to ArcGIS Online and Esri ArcGIS Field Maps workshop will show the basics of how ArcGIS Online works, what its capabilities are and how to publish a map service and share it with your group. A field exercise using the Esri ArcGIS Field Maps app will also be included.
We encourage you to bring your own smart device with the Esri ArcGIS Field Maps app installed. We will have some Trimble GNSS receivers available for those who want to experience higher-accuracy data capture with their own devices.
Please bring appropriate clothing for the weather conditions as we will be going outside.
Whether you are considering implementing ArcGIS Online for your organization or are actively using this tool already, you will find this workshop valuable to your organization and application.
Workshop outline:
ArcGIS Online intro, configuration and best practices
Creating and sharing web maps
Using the Esri ArcGIS Field Maps app for field data collection and update
Managing layers and web maps
Intended Audience: People interested in mobile GIS field data collection within government, academic, or private commercial organizations. All levels of users welcome, but emphasis will be on beginner to intermediate level ArcGIS Online users.
Learning Objectives:
Basic geodatabase configuration for use with AGOL
Publishing a feature service from ArcMap
Creating a basic web map
Sharing data in AGOL
Collecting data with ArcGIS Field Maps
About the Instructors:
Mel Philbrook has been with Frontier Precision since 2012 as a geospatial solutions provider.
He has a bachelor’s degree in engineering technology and business management. He has been a Trimble certified instructor in mapping and land survey systems since 1995. Over the past two decades, he has been involved in civil engineering implementation and managing geographic information systems, as well as providing consultation for geospatial solutions to a myriad of public and private companies. His 20+ years of field surveying, civil engineering and assisting GIS professionals in the public and private sector enables him to offer unique and valuable insight on the ever-changing geospatial market and provide advice or consultation to avoid potential pitfalls when implementing their geospatial applications.
Kyle Engel has been the geospatial sales representative for Frontier Precision, here in Montana since 2020. He has a bachelor's degree in Geology and a certificate in Geographic Information Systems.
American Community Survey and
New 2020 Statistical Geography
Instructors: Jim Castagneri and Lacey Loftin, United States Census Bureau
Please bring a laptop.
Workshop Description:
The 2020 Census provides a new set of statistical geography for use with our American Community Survey (ACS). Because the ACS 5-year data are provided using a moving sample, it can be difficult to determine what vintage geography should be used with the data. In this workshop, we will explore ACS data and its application to both the 2010 and 2020 statistical geography and understand the vintages, differences, and relationship between the two. We'll discuss ramifications of switching to the new geography for a multi-year analysis and how to accommodate the shift of census geography. Experience in census data and GIS is a plus.
About the Instructors:
Jim Castagneri is a Denver-based Geographer at the U.S. Census Bureau with over 35 years’ experience. He conducts geographic outreach programs for twelve states from Canada to Mexico. Early in his career, Jim was involved in the creation of the TIGER system. More recently, Jim has played a pivotal role in bringing geospatial analysis to survey management and census field operations. He specializes in census statistical geography and Geographic Information Systems.
Lacey Loftin is a statistician with the United States Census Bureau. In the 18 years that she has been with the agency, she has served as an analyst for the Economic Census, supervised data collection operations, acted as a congressional liaison, worked to create the Statistics in Schools program, lead the Census Bureau’s national webinar series, and now is focused on outreach to governments, organizations, and media outlets.
Requirements: Bring your own laptop with Anaconda and Python 3.6+. Participants will also need internet access
Maximum Seats:
Workshop Description:
Much of what we do within a GIS on a day to day basis is detailed and repetitive. In many instances these procedures are complex and need to be performed by multiple people. In this workshop, through various examples and exercises, we will explore ways to automate your day to day workflow using python while focusing on creating reusable code. Our examples will outline basic object oriented programming concepts and explore ways to streamline geospatial analyses. Workshop requirements: Anaconda, python 3.6 + and your favorite interactive development environment (we will be using VS Code and Jupyter Notebooks). While a basic understanding of python and command line is required to work through the examples and exercises, we will discuss coding and automation topics in a nontechnical manner so that anyone interested can participate.
About the Instructor:
Dr. Hogland is a biological scientist working for the Rocky Mountain Research Station. His research interests revolve around quantitative methods within geographic information systems (GIS) and understanding the relationships between landscape patterns and forested ecosystems processes. Current project include: 1) Quantifying forest characteristics at fine spatial scales, 2) designing, developing, and building new procedures that integrate machine learning and statistical modeling with fast raster processing (Function Modeling) to streamline spatial modeling and reduce storage space associated with GIS analyses, and 3) developing sampling strategies focused on reducing the cost of sampling while maintaining the characteristics of a representative sample.
Requirements: Anaconda, python 3.6+, your favorite interactive development environment (we will be using VS Code and Jupter Notebooks), and a internet connection.
Maximum Seats:
Workshop Description:
Spatial modeling and machine learning are powerful tools in a data scientist’s toolbox. Coupled with data, these tools can be used to extract information and aid in decision making. In this workshop we will discuss a new python based delayed reading and parallel processing library called raster _tools that integrates open source data manipulation, spatial modeling, and machine learning techniques to develop predictive models. Through multiple interactive examples and exercises we will develop a series of scripts and Jupyter Notebooks that describe various characteristics of data, visualize statistical and machine learning relationships, display spatial data within an interactive web-based mapping environment, and produce spatial explicit results that can be used to help inform decision making. Workshop requirements: Anaconda, python 3.6+, your favorite interactive development environment (we will be using VS Code and Jupter Notebooks), and a internet connection.
About the Instructor:
Dr. Hogland is a biological scientist working for the Rocky Mountain Research Station. His research interests revolve around quantitative methods within geographic information systems (GIS) and understanding the relationships between landscape patterns and forested ecosystems processes. Current project include: 1) Quantifying forest characteristics at fine spatial scales, 2) designing, developing, and building new procedures that integrate machine learning and statistical modeling with fast raster processing (Function Modeling) to streamline spatial modeling and reduce storage space associated with GIS analyses, and 3) developing sampling strategies focused on reducing the cost of sampling while maintaining the characteristics of a representative sample.
Requirements: Participants will need their own laptop with access to ArcGIS Pro and AGOL. The Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst extensions for ArcGIS Pro will be used in this workshop. Be sure to confirm that you or your organization has these and that you can enable them.
Workshop Description:
The Spatial Analysis Lab of the University of Montana is offering an Introduction to Lidar workshop. The agenda includes an exercise that explores, creates and evaluates Lidar datasets in ArcGIS Pro. We provide background information on Lidar operational theory, height filtering algorithms for converting from 3D point clouds to raster topographic and vegetation products, data flow, and available software. The training emphasizes contracting with vendors, including how to evaluate the vertical and horizontal accuracies of products that are delivered.
About the Instructors:
Ethan Shafron began working as a Field Coordinator/Data Analyst for the SAL in May 2021. After earning his Bachelors degree in Environmental Studies from University of Vermont in 2019, he worked on geospatial scientific computing and imaging spectroscopy at Arizona State University. Ethan then spent a winter season working with Glacier National Park's Citizen Science program helping to create wildlife surveys and analytical products for improving park management and visitor experience. He is interested in spatial ecology, algorithm development, python, and machine learning
Claudine Tobalske started working as a GIS Analyst/Ecologist at the Spatial Analysis Lab in 2008. She has over 25 years of GIS experience in the field of natural resources conservation and management, starting as a Ph.D. student working in this lab, then as a GIS analyst and ecologist for the Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center, on to her current position at the SAL. Her interests range from wildlife habitat models to vegetation mapping using remote sensing at different scales, from 1m NAIP to 30m Landsat. She has extensive experience with the full suite of ESRI products and image analysis software such as Erdas Imagine and eCognition
Jessica Mitchell directs the Spatial Analysis Lab and has been involved with over a decade’s worth of projects that involve the evaluation of discrete return airborne Lidar processing tools for vegetation applications. She has worked on the development of high-resolution shrub structural products for ecosystem demographics modeling in the western US and is experimenting with lidar-derived canopy structure variables for biodiversity mapping in the US. Jessica earned an MS in Geographical Information Science and a Ph.D. in Engineering and Applied Science from Idaho State University.
UAS and GIS: Enabling Drone Technology for the Geospatial Professional
Instructors: Sean Muldoon and Mel Philbrook
Requirements: n/a
Workshop Description:
The emerging technology of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) is enabling GIS professionals to acquire high quality aerial data of project sites in a timely fashion. The availability of lower cost drones, high-quality lightweight cameras, specialized sensors, and more user friendly software is making it easier to deploy the technology and take advantage of the benefits. Attend this workshop and learn more about the UAS industry, using different types of drones for work, corresponding FAA regulations, and software such as Esri Drone2Map and Pix4D Mapper for creating 2D and 3D data in a GIS environment. See firsthand what the data deliverables may consist of and how the data are used in mapping applications.
Intended Audience:
People interested in professional use of drones for remote sensing and geospatial applications within government, academic, or private commercial organizations. All levels of users welcome, though this will appeal most to beginner to intermediate UAS users.
Learning Objectives:
Understanding of basic UAS workflow for photogrammetry, and LiDAR mapping
Differences between various leading drone photogrammetry software packages
General knowledge of rules and regs for legal commercial operation of UAS
General knowledge of drone, camera, and sensor characteristics
About the Instructors:
Sean Muldoon has a degree in biotechnology from Kansas State University. Quickly utilizing UAV’s after finishing school in the world of research, Sean worked with some of the world’s largest food and beer manufacturers to breed crops that consumed less water and provided higher yields and nutrition benefits with the help of drone technology. As the industry evolved so did Sean’s discipline. Working with engineering, biotech, environmental, and agricultural firms, Sean help implement drone programs into companies across the Pacific Northwest.
Joining Frontier Precision Unmanned in June of 2021, Sean’s consults with customers from a range of private and public organizations to optimize their field data collection methods and identify complete solutions including hardware, software, and services to move away from paper-based workflows and into integrated electronic field-to-office systems. He has worked with clients from a range of industries including natural resources, utilities, land management, mining, military, agriculture, vegetation management, forestry, water resources, and more. Sean specializes in geospatial technologies including GNSS, GIS, and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).
Mel Philbrook has been with Frontier Precision since 2012 as a geospatial solutions provider.
He has a bachelor’s degree in engineering technology and business management. He has been a Trimble certified instructor in mapping and land survey systems since 1995. Over the past two decades, he has been involved in civil engineering implementation and managing geographic information systems, as well as providing consultation for geospatial solutions to a myriad of public and private companies. His 20+ years of field surveying, civil engineering and assisting GIS professionals in the public and private sector enables him to offer unique and valuable insight on the ever-changing geospatial market and provide advice or consultation to avoid potential pitfalls when implementing their geospatial applications.
Mel Philbrook also holds a Recreational Pilot License and a Remote Pilot Certificate and operates UAS commercially.
Instructors: Jim Castagneri and Lacey Loftin, United States Census Bureau
Workshop Description:
The Public Law 94-171 redistricting data was released by the Census Bureau on August 12th in “Legacy” format. In this workshop we will demonstrate downloading the raw data from the Census website and loading the data it into a Microsoft Access database. We’ll explore the file content and format, discuss how to run queries within MS-Access, and how to export the data in other formats such as .CSV and MS-Excel. This workshop will provide everything you need to know to access, read, and process the entire dataset for your state and get you ready for redistricting or other detailed population studies. We will discuss summary levels, logical record numbers and GEOIDs for linking to TIGER/Line shapefiles. MS-Access experience is helpful but not required.
About the Instructors:
Jim Castagneri is a Denver-based Geographer at the U.S. Census Bureau with over 35 years’ experience. He conducts geographic outreach programs for twelve states from Canada to Mexico. Early in his career, Jim was involved in the creation of the TIGER system. More recently, Jim has played a pivotal role in bringing geospatial analysis to survey management and census field operations. He specializes in census statistical geography and Geographic Information Systems.
Lacey Loftin is a statistician with the United States Census Bureau. In the 18 years that she has been with the agency, she has served as an analyst for the Economic Census, supervised data collection operations, acted as a congressional liaison, worked to create the Statistics in Schools program, lead the Census Bureau’s national webinar series, and now is focused on outreach to governments, organizations, and media outlets.
Instructors: Eric Pimpler, Geospatial Training Services
Students will need a computer with ArcGIS Pro installed (most recent version if possible) along with a valid ArcGIS Pro login.
Workshop Description:
Arcade is a new programming language for ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online that can be used in a growing number of contexts. At the present time Arcade is used for the creation of dynamic, custom symbology for feature classes and shapefiles, custom label expressions, custom expressions for the attribute field calculator, and custom pop-up content. However, the scope of Arcade seems to grow with each new release of ArcGIS Pro so this is a great skill to add to your toolset. It is also a cross platform language which means that Arcade code you write for Pro, can be published with your maps into AGOL or Portal.
Arcade is a response to a common problem. How do you display data when there is no column in the schema containing that data? Up until now, if the map layer you are working with did not have exactly the right attribute data you need, you had two choices: alter the underlying data or bring in the services of an application developer.
ArcGIS Arcade is an expression language with a simple scripting syntax that enables you to manipulate your existing data to generate new information based on it. While this sort of functionality has always been available in certain Esri products – most notably ArcGIS Desktop – the aim behind Arcade is to make it available everywhere in the ArcGIS platform, and for it to work identically in all environments.
You can almost think of Arcade as “Excel for ArcGIS”. In much the same way as Excel lets you write formula to work with spreadsheet data, Arcade lets you do the same with map data. In the initial release of Arcade, you can create and reference geometries. In future releases, other geometry functions may be added allowing you to calculate areas and lengths, and perform simple overlay operations in more complex expressions.
About the Instructor:
Eric Pimpler is the founder and owner of GeoSpatial Training Services ( and has over 25 years experience as an application developer, data scientist, and trainer using ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Pro. Eric is currently focused on data science applications with Python, R, and GIS.
Eric has a Bachelor’s degree in Geography from Texas A&M University and a Master's of Applied Geography degree with a concentration in GIS from Texas State University.
The Property Assessment Division of the Montana Department of Revenue is responsible for the valuation of all taxable property in the state. A good deal of the data used in valuation is available through the State Library. In addition to the Cadastral site, database files are available for download. This workshop will give background information on the collection and availability of property data, and then dive into a property database file using Microsoft SQL Server Express – a free small-scale version of their database software. We will use SQL queries to explore the property tables and run a few typical reports. SQL query / Database management experience is helpful but not necessary.
About the Instructor:
Christian Hinderman is a GIS Management Analyst with the Montana Department of Revenue. He has worked in the Property Assessment Division for over a decade, starting on a team tasked with creating a GIS-based system of agricultural and forest property valuation. His work is focused on developing geoprocessing workflows with python scripting and data management.