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Scholarship and Grants Committee

The Scholarship and Grants Committee, formerly known as the Education Committee, serves to promote the advancement of Geographic Information Technology to K-12, colleges and universities and the public through grants, scholarships, training and mentoring.

Committee Chair: Robert Ahl 

Committee Events

  • No upcoming events

MAGIP Grants and Scholarships

Each year the Scholarship and Grants Committee administers MAGIP's K-12 Grants and Higher Education Scholarship Programs. In 2013 the MAGIP K-12 Curriculum Grants were renamed the MAGIP Van Shelhamer Memorial K-12 Education Grants in memory of Clinton 'Van' Shelhamer.

University Scholarships

The University of Montana and Montana State University offer scholarships based on endowment funds that MAGIP contributed to. For more information, please click on the following links for the MSU Earth Sciences Graduate Scholarship and the UM Zuuring/MAGIP scholarship

Resources for Teachers

To contact the Scholarship and Grants Committee with questions, comments, ideas, or to join the committee send an email

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