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Quick Map Vendors List

06/06/2018 7:00 AM | Meghan Burns (Administrator)

MAGIP has added a new Quick Map Vendors page.

This page has a list of vendors who have indicated they are available to field requests to make simple, inexpensive maps for members of the general public.

MAGIP created the page because it has members who work for agencies that receive requests for maps, but are not set up to accept payment from the public.  These agencies need a list of vendors to refer the requests to.

We created the list by contacting the vendors we could find in our membership list and asking them if they wanted to appear on the page.  

Vendors appearing on the page must be registered as a business with the Montana Secretary of State and have an employee who is a MAGIP member.

If you are a vendor who would like to appear on the page, please contact MAGIP.

Gerry Daumiller
MAGIP Past President.

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