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2023 MAGIP Elections - Meet the Nominees

04/24/2023 12:35 PM | Jeff Hedstrom (Administrator)

The MAGIP Elections Committee is pleased to announced information about the upcoming election!

The board is proposing revisions to MAGIP’s Bylaws, Article II & Article III and amendments to MAGIP’s Constitution, Article IV. Please review the specific changes to the respective articles in the above links.

The elections for both the new board members and the proposed Bylaw and Constitution amendments will open April 27 and will close May 12.

Meet the Nominees for the open board positions.

Vice President - Elected to three (3) year term (Vice President, President, Past President)

Gail Jorgenson, City of Bozeman

Treasurer - Elected to two (2) year term

Nate Wold, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation

Secretary - Elected to two (2) year term

Hilary Kauth, Department of Military Affairs

Katie Shank, Guidewire Software

Technical Committee Chair - Elected to two (2) year term

Tessa Switzer, City of Great Falls

Scholarship & Grants Committee Chair - Elected to two (2) year term

Rob Ahl, USDA Forest Service

Craig Threlkeld, DJ&A P.C.


For Photos and Bios of each of the Candidates visit: 

Election Page

If you have any questions about the upcoming election or proposed Bylaws & Constitution amendments please reach out to the Election Committee: Jeff HedstromMike Powell or Meghan Burns for more information.

Additional information on the elections, current Governing documents, and the Board can be found at the following link.

On behalf of MAGIP and the Elections Committee, we thank you for your consideration.


Jeff Hedstrom, MAGIP Past President

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