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Changes for the New Year

01/20/2023 2:41 PM | Meghan Burns (Administrator)

As we begin 2023, we want to highlight our incredible year and provide an update on upcoming changes.

MAGIP continues our effort to keep our community informed of happenings in and around Montana, as well as providing opportunities for meetups outside our annual conference. We appreciate the opportunities for our membership to meet in person to collaborate, share ideas, and discuss common issues. Our annual Big Sky GeoCon in Missoula was another great success, as we enjoyed our first in-person gathering since 2019. We supported multiple meetups last year, including numerous to celebrate GIS Day. The 2023 Big Sky GeoCon Conference Planning Committee has been working hard at preparing and organizing for the conference in Bozeman in April. MAGIP started a new Special Interest Group (SIG) for Local Government and will add a new LiDAR SIG in 2023. The MAGIP Board also approved the initiative to grow our social media presence.

Board of Directors Meeting minutes and/or recordings are located on our
 Board of Directors Meetings webpage, and Work Plans are located on our Governing Documents webpage. As always, we encourage our members to continue to monitor emails, social media, and our website for news and updates.

Annual Membership Fee Increase and Structure Changes
MAGIP membership fees have not increased since the organization’s origin. Last year, the MAGIP Board initiated an evaluation of our membership structure and existing fees. A Task Force was formed to review and analyze historic fees and membership levels (Associate Member A, Associate Member B, etc.). Upon careful review and consideration, a new fee structure and membership model has been approved.
 Click this link to view the Task Force Recommendation letter. Membership fees have increased, and membership levels have been condensed to provide an efficient alternative for larger organizations:

Individual Membership: $50 Annually ($20 increase)
Student Membership: $25 Annually ($10 increase)
Restructure Associate Membership as follows:
   - Rename Associate Membership to “Organizational Membership,”
   - Organizational Membership includes 5 members at the cost of $250 Annually. Additional
      Members can be added at $40 per person annually ($10 savings)

Fees for the 2023 Big Sky GeoCon will not change, and MAGIP members will continue to receive a member discount.

Renewal Date Change
In conjunction with the fee increase, the MAGIP Board has also reviewed our existing renewal process. The Board has determined that all memberships be renewed on a single date (rather than when a member initially initiated a membership). The transition to an annual renewal date will assist administration with member management, analysis, and help prepare for our annual elections process. The Board has worked diligently to determine how this change will affect existing memberships and recent renewals. We feel this timeline is appropriate, as it provides a renewal opportunity one month prior to our annual conference.  Renewals will begin on March 1, and we will continue to provide correspondence as the deadline nears. We will make every effort for a seamless transition.

We understand these changes are significant but acknowledge their justification. Please email the
 board or contact any board member if you have any questions. We look forward to strengthening our community and relationships, and we appreciate your continued support! 

MAGIP Board of Directors

Mike Powell (President)
Jeff Sprock (Vice President)
Jeff Hedstrom (Past President)
Aaron Vaughn
Nate Wold
Robert Ahl
Michael Eidum
Erich Schreier
Eric Spangenberg
Jason Danielson

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