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2021 MAGIP Elections

03/24/2021 7:00 AM | Meghan Burns (Administrator)

We have three Board Officer positions and two committee chair positions that will be open for nominations: Secretary, Treasurer, Technical Committee Chair and Scholarship & Grants Committee Chair. These are all two year positions. And we also have the Vice/President/Past position, which is a three year position.  

View the 2021 MAGIP Elections Page

If you’ve considered getting more involved in YOUR GIS professional organization on a State Board level, now is the time. I can guarantee that you’ll get to work with a fun, easy-going group of people who are as interested in GIS as you are! J 

You can nominate yourself or someone else, and you may also run again if you are an existing Board member. As far as a time commitment, I would say that you get back as much as you put in, but you are looking at a minimum of 5-10 hours per month, depending on the position you hold and  the month. There is more time required leading up to conferences in April. Board Members are pseudo members of other committees, so if you are someone who likes to be involved, this is your opportunity.   

I am sending this email out now so that you have some time to consider whether you’d like to do this, have the time to commit, AND have time for your employer to consider allowing you to hold a position as it does require time during the day, during the work week to attend Board and other meetings. The Election process will begin following the MAGIP Conference next month.


The election process, as spelled out in the MAGIP By-laws is as follows: 


Section 1. For any decision requiring a vote of the membership, the entire membership shall be afforded the opportunity to vote, with results being decided by a simple majority of those voting.

Section 2. A Call for Nominations shall be sent to the Association membership no less than fourteen (14) days before the date set for the voting period to begin for the annual election of Board members. Members may nominate themselves or any other Association member. 

Nominations shall be submitted to the Past President, who will verify that Nominees agree to run and that they are qualified to sit on the Board according to Article II of these Bylaws. The Nominations shall close no less than seven (7) days before the election. The Past President shall prepare a Ballot of the slate of Nominees. 

Section 3. Ballots shall be sent electronically to Association members not less than fourteen (14) days before the date set for the end of the election period and returned within the prescribed time to be counted. 

Section 4. The Board shall appoint a non-standing Election Committee consisting of at least three (3) Association members.

Section 5. Ballots are valid if received by the close of business on the day specified by the Board. A count shall be made by the Election Committee of the votes and a report made to the Board and the membership. Tie votes shall be resolved by a vote of the Board. This section shall apply to all elections unless otherwise specified in these By-laws. 

Section 6. A complete file of all ballots, tallies, and documents of Election Committee actions shall be maintained by the Board. 

Section 7. Election results shall be announced by the President not more than seven (7) days after the report by the Election Committee to the Board. Newly elected Board members shall take office on the first Monday after their ratification by a majority of the Board.

I’ve held multiple Board positions, so if you have any questions or would just like to talk through this to see if it’s for you, please give me a call. I’m happy to share my experience with you.


Jenny Connelley Engineering Technician

City of Bozeman | 20 E. Olive St. | Bozeman, MT 59715

P: 406.582.2922

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