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Legislative Update

The MAGIP Board will provide updates regarding GIS-related activities during the Legislative Session

68th Legislative Session

MAGIP Supports Senate Bill 60 an Act creating the Montana State Reference Network Enterprise Fund

  • Supporting Documents
  • - Letter to the MAGIP Membership from the MAGIP Board
  • - Montana State Reference Network (MTSRN) - Learn More 
  • - LAWS Detailed Bill Information – 2023 Session – Senate Bill 60
  • - Montana State Library SB 60 Handout

Week 16: Legislative Update

SB 60: Establish enterprise fund for Montana spatial real time network

Passed by Legislature on April 13, awaiting Governor's signature
State Library Position: Support
MAGIP Position: Support

HB 343: Generally revise library geospatial and natural resource information laws
Signed by the Governor on April 18
State Library Position: Support
MAGIP Position: Support

SB 398: Establish a Montana coordinate system for property
Passed by Legislature on April 12, awaiting Governor's signature
State Library Position: Support
MAGIP Position: Support

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