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Talking Points for GIS

  • GIS helps you understand where things are.  GIS provides visualization of the data. Visualization makes it easier to communicate complex ideas and large data sets, and improves decision-making.

  • GIS creates more useful maps with deeper information. GIS creates maps backed by databases that allow sophisticated questions to be asked.

  • GIS improves planning and decision making. GIS turns data into knowledge which can be acted on.

  • GIS shows how things relate to each other. GIS links unrelated data and shows connections. It can calculate how many acres of forest are in a county, or find where domestic water supply sources are downstream from a pollution source.

  • GIS allows easy update of maps. Governments can update their on-line maps anytime something changes. There is no wait for commercial sources such as Google Maps to notice the changes and publish them. Traditional paper maps would have to be reprinted, adding delay and expense.

  • GIS works with any geocoded data. Anything that can be tied to a location can be a GIS layer. It applies geography to people, connects people to place.

  • GIS democratizes data. Many data sets are freely available and can be used by anyone. Most of Montana's data is free to anyone who wants to download it, through the State Library and other sources. GIS data is easy to share.

  • GIS helps tell stories. Maps are engaging – people look for their home area first, then explore from there.

  • GIS creates better communities: It improves public safety and health, identifies safe routes to schools, identifies underserved neighborhoods, etc.

For bosses and funders:

  • GIS saves money and staff time.

  • GIS improves operational efficiency and decreases response time for map requests from internal or external customers.

  • GIS provides visualization of the data and increases understanding of the problem.

  • GIS improves planning and decision making.

  • GIS works to create maps that accurately reflect the real world.

  • GIS provides better answers in less time.

  • GIS data is easily shared.

For neighbors, in-laws, the person at the grocery store:

  • GIS easily creates cool maps with lots of data.

  • GIS shows how things relate to each other, over time.

  • GIS answers questions efficiently.

  • GIS makes it easy for anyone to use the data. Many data sets are free for anyone to download and use.

  • GIS is the foundation of Google Maps and other mapping apps.

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