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MAGIP Discussion Forum Instructions

To browse for topics (Members and Non-members)

  1. Navigate to the MAGIP web site ( You can see recent forum activity in the right column of the home page
  2. Navigate to Our GIS Community>Discussion Forums
  3. Select the type of discussion you think your topic may fall under
  4. Browse

You must be a MAGIP member to create a new topic or reply to an existing topic. You also must be a member to subscribe to a Discussion Forum as a whole or to subscribe to a specific forum topic. Non-members of MAGIP can only read topics.

To start a new topic (Members-Only)

  1. Navigate to the MAGIP web site ( You can see recent forum activity in the bottom left of the home page
  2. Login as a member to the MAGIP website. If you have not logged in since the new website launched and have forgotten your password, use the change password function
  3. Navigate to Resources > Discussion Forums
  4. Click the type of discussion you would like to start in order to enter that forum (Announcements, General Discussion, Technical Issues, etc.)
  5. Click Create topic
  6. Enter a useful name for your discussion topic in the Subject text box. This is how folks can later browse for help
  7. Write your discussion text in the Body field
  8. Select the Subscribe to topic check box if you so desire (and the frequency - daily, weekly, immediately). If subscribed, you will receive emails about activity on your topic to the email address on record
  9. Click Create
  10. If you make a mistake, you can edit what you’ve written or delete the topic and try again using the links provided
  11. Send a message to the listserve announcing the topic and request that folks (members and non-members) reply on the forum. Perhaps paste the URL of your discussion forum topic in the email message

To reply to a topic (Members-Only)

  1. Navigate to the MAGIP web site ( You can see recent forum activity in the right column of the home page
  2. Click on the topic title (versus the member’s name)
  3. Read the topic thread
  4. Click New comment (or you can click Reply, the difference between these options is in how they later appear in the thread)
  5. If you are not logged in, a login page will appear. Enter your username or password
  6. Enter your text in the Body field
  7. Click Post
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