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2018 Big Sky GeoCon

 April 16-20, 2018
 Radisson Colonial Hotel 
 Helena, Montana

 View Conference Agenda


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Conference Break Sponsor

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Schedule Overview

Attendee Registration Fees

 Conference Registration  Before March 16, 2018  After March 16, 2018
 Full Conference - MAGIP Member  $245 $285 
 Full Conference - Non-member  $305 $345
 Full Conference - Student  $75  $75
 One Day Conference - Member  $170  $170
 One Day Conference Non-member  $200  $200
 Sponsor/Exhibitor Attendee  Included with Sponsorship
 Included with Sponsorship
Cancellation Policy: Refunds for cancellations after March 30, 2018 will not be issued

Exhibitor/Sponsor Opportunities

Gold Sponsor $750 
 Silver Sponsor $550
 Break Sponsor $350
 Student Scholarship Sponsor $200 

Exhibitor Prospectus
Presenter Title Length  Day/Time Member  Cost Non-member  Cost     Devices Needed
Eric Pimpler, GeoSpatial Training Services, LLC ArcGIS Pro 1: Fundamentals  2 Days     Monday - Tuesday         $500   $1,000 BYOD
Brian Andersen, Montana Dept. of Transportation Intro to ArcGIS Online  1/2 Day  Monday Morning   $80   $160 BYOD
Scott Story, Headwater Economics  Socioeconomic and Demographic Data for GIS Professionals  1/2 Day  Monday Morning   $80  $160 BYOD 
Rob Ahl & John Hogland, RedCastle Resources/USFS RMRS  Image Processing and Classification
Download Workshop Materials 
1/2 Day  Monday Morning   $80  $160 Laptops Provided
Nick Fox, Montana State University  Understanding Coordinate Systems  1/2 Day  Monday Morning   $80  $160 BYOD 
Leslie Zolman / Sponsored by Headwaters Economics  Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT) Mapathon for the Tanzania Development Trust 1/2 Day  Monday Afternoon   No Cost  No Cost BYOD 
Sydney Neeley, USGS EROS/LPDAAC at EROS  Exploring Case Studies for Using NASA Remote Sensing Data  1/2 Day  Monday Afternoon   $80  $160 Laptops Provided
John Hogland, USFS RMFS  Automating our workflow using Python  Download Workshop Materials 1/2 Day  Monday Afternoon   $80  $160 Laptops Provided
Christian Hinderman, Montana Dept. of Revenue  Exploring Montana Property Information with SQL queries  1/2 Day  Tuesday Morning   $80  $160 Laptops Provided 
Scott Moore, Esri  ArcGIS Enterprise: The What, Why, and How  1/2 Day  Tuesday Morning   $80   $160  None 
Patrick Lonergan and Emily Carpenter, Gallatin County Emergency Management  Situation Analyst Montana  1/2 Day  Tuesday Morning   $35   $35  BYOD 
Colleen Joyce, U.S. Census Bureau  Using GUPS for Census Bureau Programs
1/2 Day  Tuesday Morning   $35   $35  Laptops Provided 
Pam Fromhertz, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey  GPS, Surveying, Maps  1/2 Day  Tuesday Afternoon   $80   $160  BYOD 
Jackson Beighle, Frontie Precisions; Michael Clancy, EcoPoint; Tim Maguire, Ecosystem Sciences  UAS and GIS: Enabling Drone Technology  1/2 Day  Tuesday Afternoon   $80   $160  BYOD (Pix4D) 
Scott Moore, Esri  Getting Started with the ArcGIS API for Python  1/2 Day  Tuesday Afternoon   $80   $160  BYOD 
Jim Castagneri, U.S. Census Bureau  How to Use Census Data in GIS  1/2 Day  Tuesday Afternoon   $35   $35  Laptops Provided 
Keynote Presenter

The Big Sky GeoCon Planning Committee is pleased to announce Historian Dr. Ellen Baumler as keynote speaker! Keeping in line with our theme (More Than Maps), Ellen will provide a unique perspective on how maps tell history, keep history alive, and how they really are ‘More Than Just Maps’!

Ellen Baumler has been the interpretive historian at the Montana Historical Society since 1992. She received her PhD in English, classics, and history from the University of Kansas. She is a longtime member of the Humanities Montana Speakers Bureau and a 2011 recipient of the Governor’s Award for the Humanities. She was the co-curator of the society’s recent award-winning Chinese exhibit, “Forgotten Pioneers.” Ellen has composed hundreds of signs for Montana’s historic sites, created walking tours for diverse audiences, and taught in classrooms across Montana. A popular speaker and storyteller, she is an award-winning author of 11 books and dozens of articles on historical topics. Ellen especially delights in sharing Helena’s lesser known history with audiences of all ages.

Ellen was also a contributor to the Helena Walking App. The app provides an interactive way to explore and learn about Helena’s history and architecture. Ellen wrote the content associated to the images within the app!     


Montana Place Names From Alzada to Zortman: A Montana Historical Society Guide  

Helena – The Town That Gold Built

Girl from the Gulches: The Story of Mary Ronan

Ghosts of the Last Best Place

Haunted Helena: Montana’s Queen City Ghosts

Spirit Tailings: Ghost Tales from Virginia City, Butte, and Helena

Beyond Spirit Tailings: Montana’s Mysteries, Ghosts, and Haunted Places

Montana Moments: History on the Go

More Montana Moments

Dark Spaces: Montana’s Historic Penitentiary at Deer Lodge

Montana Chillers: 13 True Tales of Ghosts and Hauntings

Lost Places, Hidden Treasures

U.S. Census Presentations

Using the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) for Census Bureau Geographic Partnership Programs

The Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) is a free GIS software provided by the U.S. Census Bureau to our geographic program partners. GUPS is used to collect spatial information such as boundaries and linear features in geographic programs such as the Block Boundary Suggestion Project, The Voting District Project, the Boundary and Annexation Survey, the Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA), the School District Boundary Review Program, and the Participant Statistical Areas Program. It is also used to collect address information in LUCA. During this workshop you will learn the basic functionality of GUPS that crosses over all programs, as well as GUPS tools developed for the unique needs of each program.  Presentation Slides

Colleen Joyce

Assistant Chief

Census Redistricting & Voting Rights Data Office

Decennial Census Programs Directorate

U.S. Census Bureau 

MSDI Administrative Boundaries and U. S. Census Programs Update

The Montana State Library is the steward of the Montana Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) Administrative Boundaries which is comprised of: Incorporated Cities and Towns, Reservations, School Districts, County Boundaries, Tax Increment Financing Districts, Weed Management Districts, and the State Boundary. This presentation will provide an update on the U. S. Census Boundaries and Annexation Survey (BAS) and School District Review Program (SDRP) as well as database schema changes and web service updates. 

Meghan Burns

MSDI Administrative Boundaries Theme Steward

BAS State Certification Officer for Montana

School District Mapping Coordinator for Montana

Montana State Library

LUCA trouble-shooting presentation

An overview of issues and tips on how to conduct LUCA work in-house.  Attend this presentation to hear about ways to process your address list and how to compare it with the Census Bureau address list.  This presentation is designed for those program participants who have received materials from the Census Bureau and need guidance on how to proceed with LUCA review.

Jim Castagneri

Geographic Coordinator

U.S. Census Bureau - Denver

2020 Census Tabulation Blocks: How the Census Bureau Delineates Them and How They Related to Other Geographic Boundaries

For each decennial Census, the U.S. Census Bureau delineates new Census tabulation blocks. Census Blocks are the smallest geographic unit used by the Census Bureau for tabulating decennial census data. The Census Bureau will delineate the 2020 Census Blocks in mid-2020. This presentation will explain how the Census Bureau determines what visible features (such as roads, streams, railroads and transmission lines), and non-visible features (including city, township, school district, and county boundaries) are used to bound the new blocks. The presentation will also highlight the importance of feature and boundary accuracy in its Master Address File/Topological Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) System for delineating blocks, and how local and state governments can influence block delineation by providing accurate boundary and feature information.

Colleen Joyce

Assistant Chief

Census Redistricting & Voting Rights Data Office

Decennial Census Programs Directorate

U.S. Census Bureau 

The U.S. Census Bureau’s Public Law 94-171 Redistricting Data File: What Information Does It Contain and How is it Used?

Public Law 94-171 require the U.S. Census Bureau to work with states in a non-partisan manner to identify geographic areas for which population tabulations are needed for legislative redistricting, and to deliver those tabulations to the states no later than one year from Census Day (April 1, 2021). This presentation will explore how the Census Bureau meets the requirements of P.L. 94-171 through the Redistricting Data Program.  The Census Bureau’s design plans for the 2020 Census Prototype Redistricting Data File design will be discussed with some explanation on how the states use these data for their legislative redistricting.

Colleen Joyce

Assistant Chief

Census Redistricting & Voting Rights Data Office

Decennial Census Programs Directorate

U.S. Census Bureau

Census Data Tools Tab

Do you know where to look for the data you need? This presentation will review the Data Tools Tab for accessing Census data through products and tools including data visualizations, mobile apps, interactive web apps and other software. 

Kimberly Davis

Data Dissemination Specialist

Data Dissemination Branch Customer Liaison & Marketing Services

U.S. Census Bureau

Preparing Data Tables for Tableau

In this session data users will see how Census Bureau data tables can be uploaded into a public mapping tool for combining data from multiple resources for visual dynamics.

Kimberly Davis

Data Dissemination Specialist

Data Dissemination Branch Customer Liaison & Marketing Services

U.S. Census Bureau

For additional information please contact MAGIP

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