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2009 NAIP web services now available

  • 03/04/2010 11:33 AM
    Message # 302621

    The Montana Base Map Service Center (BMSC) is pleased to announce web services for 2009 NAIP imagery are now available. For 2009, Montana acquired a four band (red, blue, green, near IR) imagery product, so services are available for both the natural color and color infrared (CIR). This time around, the BMSC used the ArcGIS Server Image Extension (Image Server) to create the services. This has greatly decreased the amount of time it has taken to create these services since it was not necessary to mosaic, reproject or load the image tiles into a database.

    Services are available for both the natural color and the CIR as ArcGIS Server Image services and Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc (OGC) Web Coverage Services (WCS) and Web Map Services (WMS). The Image services and web coverage services give you the end user direct access to the raw GeoTIFF files via the service. This means you can consume these services in ArcMap and access the actual pixel values for the imagery. In other words, you can perform analysis and geoprocessing on these web services.

    To connect to the ArcGIS Server Image services:

    1. In ArcMap: Click the add data button
      - Select GIS Servers from Look in: list
      - In ArcCatalog: Expand GIS Servers in the Catalog Tree
    2. Double click on Add ArcGIS Server connection
    3. Take first default: Use GIS Services
    4. Click Next
    5. Copy and paste the URL ( into Internet Server URL text box
    6. Click Finish
    7. Service will appear in the Add Data Window.
    8. Browse to the MSDI_Framework folder and add the desired service

    To connect to the OGC services, add the WCS or WMS server and paste in the appropriate URL below:



    The BMSC is planning to take the 2005 NAIP CIR service off line on March 12th. If this will be an issue for you, please contact me.

    The Montana State Library (MSL) will be hosting 2005 NAIP natural color and CIR ArcGIS Server Map Services. MSL will also be working with the MAGIP Imagery Workgroup to develop a NAIP archive schedule. MSL will be sending more information about these in the near future.


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