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2015 MAGIP Elections

2015 Bylaw Amendment

The MAGIP Board has successfully used Survey Monkey ( to facilitate voting on elections and Board decisions outside of regularly scheduled meetings for several years now. The use of electronic voting has provided the added advantage of shortening the length of wait time required for ballot returns.

The election process currently takes a minimum of 90 days with 30 days for nominations, 30 days between the close of nominations and the start of the election, and the election is also open for 30 days. The proposed amendment schedule reduces the number of days for the process to 35. The first Board meeting of the new Boards typically meets in early June. The election process must begin no later than (April 1) in order to maintain this time frame.

The MAGIP Board would like to amend the length of time required for the MAGIP Board Elections process as follows:

Amendment 1. Amend Election Dates for Board Elections

The MAGIP Board proposes:


Section 1) A Call for Nominations shall be sent to the Association membership no less than fourteen (14) days before the date set for election of Board members. Members may nominate themselves or any other Association member. Nominations shall be submitted to the Past President, who will verify that Nominees agree to run and that they are qualified to sit on the Board according to Article II of these Bylaws.  The Nominations shall close no less than seven (7) days before the election.  The Past President shall prepare a Ballot of the slate of Nominees.

Section 2) Ballots shall be sent digitally to Association members not less than fourteen (14) days before the date set for the end of the election period and submitted within the prescribed time. 

Contact Meghan Burns, MAGIP President, for more information

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