Minds, Models, and Maps
2008 Intermountain GIS Conference

April 7 - 11, 2008    Holiday Inn at the Park,   Missoula, MT

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Wednesday Afternoon
Time RM Track Name START Title Presenter
1:30-5:00 Ballroom A LOCAL GOVERNMENT FOCUS SESSION 1:30 Local Government Focus Session Annette Cabrera and others
1:30 - 3:00 Ballroom B GEOGRAPHIC NAMES 1:30 Geographic Names Information System – Past – Present - Montana Clampitt, Lance
2:00 Geographic Names Information System – A Data Model for Montana Macholz, Lee
2:30 Integration of Geographic Names with Framework Datasets in Montana Sweet, Michael
1:00 - 3:00 Glacier/Yellowstone PRODUCTS & SERVICES 1:00 Accela Inc. - Extending your investment in GIS, with web-based asset management technology Bradley, Mitch
2:00 Novotx - GIS-Based Asset Management Made Easy Justin Gough
1:30 - 3:00 Gallatin/Jefferson NATURAL RESOURCES 1:30 Developing an Ecological Knowledge Base Mark Jensen
PRODUCTS & SERVICES 2:30 Sharing Road Centerline Maintenance Responsibilities Among Multiple Agencies Using Web Services Bill Masters
3:30 - 5:00 Ballroom B PUBLIC POLICY AND PROGRAM PLANNING 3:30 Scenario Planning and GIS – Tools for a Changing World Lee Macholz
4:15 TIGER Modernization and Census 2010 Katy Rossiter
3:30 - 5:00 Glacier/Yellowstone PRODUCTS & SERVICES 3:30 TerraGo Technologies: The GeoPDF File - A New Solution for the Digital Publication Dave Gura
4:30 Introduction to Model Builder Alan Coyle
3:30 - 5:00 Gallatin/Jefferson NATURAL RESOURCES 3:30 Mapping Existing Vegetation in Region 1 of the Forest Service Dave Vanderzanden
4:00 GIS in wetland assessment and monitoring Linda Vance
4:30 Status of Wetland and Riparian Spatial Data in Montana (NHP) Greg Kudray
Thursday Morning
Time RM Track Name START Title Presenter
8:30-10:00 Ballroom A PRODUCTS & SERVICES 8:30 Introduction to ArcGIS Explorer Bryant Ralston
9:00 What’s New in ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 Scott Moore
8:30-10:00 Ballroom B LOCAL GVMT 8:30 Fire Protection Service Review Analysis for City of Helena Eric Spangenberg
9:00 Capitalization of environmental amenities and wildfire in private home values Kyle Stetler
9:30 Calculating Agricultural Productivity – A Taxing Question Tony Thatcher
8:30-10:00 Glacier/Yellowstone PRODUCTS & SERVICES 8:30 Latest from Tetratech: A variety of GIS and application development projects Dave Highness
9:30 Replication and Geodatabase Options Tim Weisenburger
8:30-10:00 Gallatin/Jefferson REMOTE SENSING 8:30 Comparing Multiple Satellite Imagery Platforms for Mapping Sagebrush-Dominated Veg Marcus Reddish
9:00 Mapping changes in whitebark pine distribution in the Northern Rockies using Landsat Jeff Jewett
9:30 Geospatial Data Production Tools; An Introduction to the Geospatial Analyst Suite1 Rebecca Holman
10:30 - 12:00 Ballroom A GIS AND CARRYING CAPACITY 10:30 Conceptual View of Developable Parcels in Helena Jason Danielson
11:00 Investigation of the Eagle Sandstone aquifer as viable water supply Jay Hanson
11:30 Characterizing canal seepage using well water responses Cephas Holder
10:30 - 12:00 Ballroom B PLANNING 10:30 Collaborative GIS: Planning for Growth in Ravalli County with a Dev. Suitability Model Bryan Swindell
11:00 UFDA! 15,000 More Housing Units Casey Wilson
11:30 From Montana to Maui…GIS and Residential Growth Planning Ken Wall
10:30 - 12:00 Glacier/Yellowstone APPLICATION DEVEMOPMENT 10:30 CDM: Getting From Needs to Solutions in Custom GIS Applications Dave Knight, Kris Larson, Catherine Love
11:30 Integrating ArcGIS Server Technology into a CAD-Based City Engineering Department Dennis Hill & Rudy Strickland
10:30 - 12:00 Gallatin/Jefferson REMOTE SENSING 10:30 Mapping mountain vegetation: Image classifaction versus distribution modeling Solomon Dobrowski
11:00 Introducing a Site Classification Method for Natural Resource Inventory Cathy Maynard
Thursday Afternoon
Time RM Track Name START Title Presenter
1:00-6:00 Ballroom A BUSINESS & GIS FOCUS SESSION 1:00 Business and GIS Focus Session Ken Wall and others
1:30-3:00 Ballroom B PARCEL & GOV UNITS PANEL 1:30 Parcel and Government Unit Panels Brian Oevermann and Others
1:30-3:00 Glacier/Yellowstone APPLICATION DEVEMOPMENT 1:30 Developing NR Fire Restrictions Web Application Piao, Limei
2:15 Natural Heritage TRACKER – It’s all about user experience Ratz, Dave
1:00-3:00 Gallatin/Jefferson AGRICULTURE 1:00 AgCam: A New Earth-Observing Sensor Serving the Northern Great Plains George Seielstad
1:30 Enhancing Small Grain Production with Geospatial Technologies Chuck Merja
2:00 Use of Geospatial Technologies to Manage a Ranch Robert Rumney
2:30 ZoneMAP: A web-based decision support tool for creating management zones Xiaodong Zhang
3:30-5:00 Gallatin/Jefferson GIS FOR BEGINNERS 3:30 Creating Metadata the Easy Way in ArcGIS Andrew Stickney & Riley Cotter
PRODUCTS & SERVICES 4:00 Image Metrics Mike McGuire
4:30 What’s New in ArcGIS Server 9.3 Scott Moore
3:30-5:00 Glacier/Yellowstone APPLICATION DEVEMOPMENT 3:30 Data mining in Google Earth using Mechanical Turks Cody Benkelman
4:15 The DNRC 310 Permit Database – A GoogleMaps-based Application Tony Thatcher & Warren Kellog
3:30-5:00 Ballroom B REMOTE SENSING 3:30 Using LiDAR and Multispectral Data for Feature Extraction in the Wildland Urban Interface Derek McNamara
4:00 The effects of image fusion on object-oriented classification Natalie Campos
4:30 Using normalized LIDAR intensity data to discriminate land cover types Suratno Agus