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2014 Intermountain GIS Conference - April 7-11 - Billings, MT

Keys To Getting Involved Spatially

Call for Papers - Closed

  All persons submitting a paper will be expected to register for the conference upon acceptance.

The Intermountain GIS Conference attracts a wide variety of GIS users from federal, state, tribal and local governments and educational institutions as well as from private organizations.  This year, we are also hoping to attract a wider audience, including people who come from related disciplines.  Our track leaders have identified many speakers already, but we are eager to hear from anyone who might be interested in responding to this call.  A preliminary list of tracks includes:

  • Tribal GIS
  • Natural Resources
  • Health GIS
  • Census
  • Planning
  • Local Government
  • Utilities and Services
  • Emergency Serivces
  • Education
  • Cloud/Open Source GIS
  • Professional Development
  • Social Media/Mobile Apps
  • Vendors (new products and services)

Call for Posters - Closed

Submissions due by February 18, 2014. Download the Poster Submission Form here. Notification of acceptance will be by March 3, 2014.  All persons submitting a poster will be expected to register for the conference upon acceptance.

MAGIP invites students and professionals to share their research and work or their cartography skills at the 2014 Intermountain GIS Conference. The Intermountain GIS Conference attracts a wide variety of GIS users from federal, state, tribal and local governments and educational institutions as well as from private organizations. The Conference is a supportive environment for both students and professionals to present posters of their work. Contest participants are limited to entering one poster in each contest category as an individual or part of a team. Any subject is acceptable as long as the entry contributes to the GIS profession and GIS is used in some form as part of the poster design.

Contest Categories:

Research Project (Student and Professional) - An illustrative presentation of research and/or analysis; includes an abstract, introduction, methodology, results, etc. along with maps and graphics.

Cartographic Design (Student and Professional) - A single map product presenting spatial data in a meaningful way; may include textual material and graphics however, the map is the main focus.

Web Map / Web Application - An interactive web map or application; may include web services, pop-ups, photo links, analysis tools, etc. Participants that submit web maps or applications will be given time to demonstrate their work during an afternoon round table session on Wednesday, April 9, 2014. Session attendees will select the "People's Choice" award.


Posters formatted to ANSI-E (34"x44") size are encouraged as standard. Entries should be no smaller than 24"x24" and no larger than 48" wide and no taller than 60".

To facilitate poster judging, posters should be submitted to the registration desk no later than 4:30 pm on Tuesday, April 8, 2014. Posters are to be left on display until 5 pm on Thursday, April 11, 2014. Posters not picked up by the close of the conference will not be returned to the participant.

Awards will be announced at the conference luncheon on Thursday, April 10, 2014.

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